Watch My Baby Grow

education, EPY, Early Education

Download this month-by-month checklist to help monitor your child’s development. Available in English and Spanish.

Monitoring your child’s development: Children develop different skills at different ages (for example, holding up their head by 4 months). These are called developmental milestones. Monitor your baby’s growth based on their age. Practice these skills. Check off each skill as your baby can do it. Look ahead! Share this with your social worker and the baby’s doctor.

If your child needs extra help reaching developmental milestones there are free early intervention services that can help. Children can benefit greatly from receiving early inter vention services. Don’t wait until your child goes to school to get help.

These milestones are designed for use by parents and caregivers. Although social workers can utilize them as well, they should also utilize validated screening tools, per All County Letter 06-54.

The Alliance for Children’s Rights protects the rights of impoverished, abused and neglected children and youth.
