Supporting School Stability for Youth in Foster Care During Virtual Learning

policy, education, Ed Toolkit

Local Education Agencies throughout the state are navigating unique challenges and opportunities as distance learning and virtual instruction persist as the main school options during the current crisis. The members of the School Stability subcommittee of the California Foster Youth Education Task Force, co-chaired by the Alliance for Children’s Rights (including county offices of education, department of education and local district representatives, and advocates) recognized this period as a key time for addressing school stability rights for youth in foster care. 

Bringing together their experience in this area, both before and after school closures, the subcommittee has created a new guide: Supporting School Stability for Youth in Foster Care During Virtual Learning and the Transition Back to In-Person Instruction

This guide is intended to help child welfare workers, probation officers, county offices of education, local education agencies, youth, education rights holders and caregivers as they navigate school of origin decisions during these challenging times. It includes guidance and suggestions around:

  • Who makes the school of origin decision;
  • Key considerations for best interest determination meetings when virtual instruction is involved;
  • Tips, roles and responsibilities for supporting youth in their home placements during virtual instruction; and
  • Dispute resolution.


The Alliance for Children’s Rights protects the rights of impoverished, abused and neglected children and youth.
