FYI Voucher Pilot: New Opportunity to Expand Access to Housing for Former Foster Youth

policy, TAY, Homelessness

Ensuring Successful Transitions from Extended Foster Care

7/21/202110:00am PDT2 hours
A follow-up to last November’s webinar, Modifications to Extended Foster Care in COVID-19, this webinar will share updates to the laws, policies, and guidance that impact youth in and exiting Extended Foster Care, including modified timelines for receiving ongoing support past age 21. Additionally, presenters will share practice recommendations for early, robust, and youth-centered transition planning across several domains, including education, employment, housing, and permanency.
The Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) initiative makes Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) assistance available to Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) in partnership with Public Child Welfare Agencies (PCWAs). This webinar, hosted by the California Department of Social Services and targeted to PHAs and PCWAs, focused on an exciting new opportunity in California to access funding that will allow counties to better leverage FYI vouchers to help solve the housing crisis for our transition age youth. PHAs and PCWAs learned how FYI vouchers can support youth exiting foster care with housing solutions and supportive services and a pilot program that will provide counties with funding for the supportive services, case management and administrative costs associated with launching and running an FYI voucher program.

The Alliance for Children’s Rights protects the rights of impoverished, abused and neglected children and youth.
