Planned Giving
Your Legacy, Their Future.
Your gift today creates brighter tomorrows.
Legacy gifts to the Alliance have a lasting and transformative impact. Your support helps children and young adults in foster care to join families, recover from trauma, thrive in school, and make healthy transitions to adulthood—and brings us closer to a world in which all young people have stable, loving homes and the support they need to thrive.
With a few simple steps, you have the power to provide for your loved ones and ensure that our vital legal advocacy and supportive services will be here for future generations.

You can leave a meaningful legacy by doing one or more of the following:
Gifts in Wills and Trusts
Bequests are a time-honored way of ensuring your support of the Alliance continues for generations to come. You can leave the Alliance a percentage of your estate, a certain dollar amount, or specific assets.
If you would like to include the Alliance for Children’s Rights in your will or living trust, you are able to do so by adding one sentence to complete your gift:
“I hereby give to the Alliance for Children’s Rights, a not-for-profit organization (Federal Tax ID# 95-4358213) with offices at 4525 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 150, Los Angeles CA 90010, the sum of $_______; or _______% of the residue of my estate.”
Gifts of Life Insurance
Life insurance policies that you no longer need for loved ones make wonderful gifts to the Alliance, and can be a way to give much more than you ever thought possible.
Name the Alliance as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy: Update your beneficiary designation form with the policy holder and designate the Alliance for Children’s Rights as the primary beneficiary for a percentage or specific amount. You can also make the Alliance the contingent beneficiary so that our organization will receive the balance of your policy only if your primary beneficiary does not survive you.
Make an outright gift of an existing policy: If you own a fully paid policy that you no longer need, you can irrevocably transfer ownership and full beneficiary interest of the policy to the Alliance. When you make your gift, you are entitled to a charitable income tax deduction that may be sizable, and the policy proceeds will be payable to the Alliance.
Gifts by Beneficiary Designation
You might also consider naming the Alliance for Children’s Rights as a beneficiary in your retirement plan, investment account, or donor-advised fund. Depending on the plan, the Alliance for Children’s Rights can be named as a full, partial, or contingent beneficiary.
You can make any of these designations with three simple steps:
- Request a beneficiary designation form from the financial institution that manages your account.
- Add the Alliance as a beneficiary using our legal name and tax identification number:
Alliance for Children’s Rights
4525 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 150
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Tax ID# 95-4358213 - Tell the Alliance of your intention so we can recognize your generous support! Contact us at
If you have questions or would like to discuss benefits of IRA charitable distributions please contact us or your tax advisor. Before finalizing your charitable plans we encourage you to seek the counsel of your legal or financial advisor.
Let us know that you’ve included the Alliance in your estate plans:
After informing us of your plans, we will share an invitation to our Legacy Circle. Members receive special recognition now for their thoughtful plans to fund the Alliance’s future.
Contact us with questions, or to learn more about leaving a meaningful legacy that may also provide financial benefits for you and your loved ones.