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Our Strategic Plan

The Alliance for Children’s Rights is pleased to present its Strategic Plan for the years 2024/25—2028/29. Over the past year, the Alliance has come together

Our Strategic Plan

The Alliance for Children’s Rights is pleased to present its Strategic Plan for the years 2024/25—2028/29. Over the past year, the Alliance has come together

30 Years of Impact

Since 1992, the Alliance has changed the lives of more than 150,000 young children, teens, and families. This year, we proudly celebrate 30 years of

Our October 2021 Policy Victories

In the month of October, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed four Alliance sponsored bills promoting placement and housing stability. The Alliance greatly appreciates the Governor’s

Standing with AAPI Communities

The surge in anti-Asian attacks since the start of the pandemic has bred new levels of fear and toxicity in our country. The Alliance for

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