The Intersection of Race, Foster Care Status, and Children with Disabilities: Creating More Equitable Education Systems


Published on PLI, This article proceeds in two main parts. Part one explores how historical and structural racism and implicit bias are built into our education system by providing an overview of housing and school segregation in the U.S., as well as a summary of existing research on implicit bias. 

Part two unpacks current data and trends in the child welfare and education systems, specifically discussing: (1) the disproportionate representation of children of color in the child welfare system; (2) the disproportionate over and under- identification and representation of students of color and children in the child welfare system who are in special education; (3) the disproportionate over-representation of students of color in school discipline; and (4) the disproportionately low education and life outcomes for children of color, children in the child welfare system, and children with disabilities. These articles conclude with a call to always evaluate education inequity in the context of history to craft interventions and, ultimately, create more equitable education systems.


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