Dear Friend, 

I am delighted to share with you the Alliance for Children’s Rights Strategic Plan for 2024/25—2028/29.

In the past year, we have joined together as an Alliance to understand the progress our organization has made over the past three decades, the unique strengths that position us to have an even greater impact today, and how we can develop to meet the current and emerging needs of young people and families as we work to create justice and opportunity for our clients and community.

We have created seven strategic priorities to guide us as we: 

(1)  reach clients earlier with proactive interventions
(2)  strengthen our capacity to sustain growth
(3)  leverage our unique expertise to champion systems change
(4)  center our clients’ perspective
(5)  evaluate our impact to drive organizational learning
(6)  advance our commitment to our diversity, equity, inclusion and justice goals
(7)  fund the Alliance today and for future generations

I am excited to share with you our organization’s roadmap for the next five years and welcome you to join us as we chart our path forward. Together, we are building a future where young people have the opportunities and resources they need to heal and thrive.

In partnership,

Jennifer L. Braun
President & CEO