Danesha Jamerson

CSI Social Worker

Danesha Jamerson (she, her )  is a Master Level Social Worker at the Alliance with over 10 years experience helping youth and families with social service advocacy. Danesha has been apart of the Caregiver Support Initiative as of April, 2024.

Danesha Specializes in providing comprehensive case management services to children and families and works diligently to access, support and connect families to public benefits they are entitled to.

Before joining the alliance Danesha served in the field of mental health and social services, she assisted families with mental health challenges, linking families to mental health resources and providing comprehensive mental health treatment.

Since joining the Alliance in 2024, Danesha has successfully connected clients to social service benefits , provided resources and outreach to sustain stability for families connected to the Alliance for Children’s Rights.

Danesha Jamerson earned a Masters Degree in social worker from Arizona State University and lives with her family in Los Angeles California.