Collective Impact Initiatives

A leader in promoting policies that benefit children and families involved with the child welfare system

The Alliance for Children’s Rights is proud to spearhead the following impact collaboratives:

For Kin Caregivers:

Step Up Coalition

The Step Up Coalition is a robust group of advocates committed to ensuring equity for kinship families in the foster care system, providing them with the same level of support received by non-kin families.

The collective influence of this group coupled with the strong voices of relative caregivers across California has helped influence California legislators better support foster children in relative homes.

The Human Impact of Bypassing Foster Care for At-Risk Children

For Partners Supporting Young Adults in Foster Care:

L.A. Opportunity Youth Collaborative

The Los Angeles Opportunity Youth Collaborative (OYC) is a multi-agency effort to improve education and employment outcomes for young adults who are, or have been, in foster care in Los Angeles. The OYC brings together public agencies, nonprofit organizations, educational institutions and employers to improve services and resolve systemic barriers that impact the ability of young people to benefit from education and employment opportunities.

The OYC supports youth on pathways to:

  • High school graduation and GED attainment
  • Post-secondary enrollment and credential completion
  • Workforce readiness and gainful employment

OYC Partners

The Alliance for Children’s Rights is the backbone and coordinating entity for the OYC. The growing list of participating organizations includes:

“The OYC unites the many and varied voices working to support our young people transitioning from foster care. Their collective power to affect change cannot be underestimated.”

For Transition Age Youth:

Know Before You Go

Did you know that in California, foster care benefits don’t end at 18? When you turn 18, you have new options for supportive housing, financial assistance, and more, up to the age of 21.

KnowB4UGo was created by foster youth, for foster youth, with real advice —from young adults who have been there—about getting a job, cooking, budgeting, education, housing, legal services, birth control, parenting, and more.

The Alliance uplifts the voices and urgent needs of communities impacted by foster care