The Alliance for Children’s Rights protects the rights of impoverished, abused and neglected children and youth.


Governor Signs Bill Providing Relief for Families Who Accept Placement Prior to Resource Family Approval

Alliance Win for Families

We prepared this letter for caregivers to understand whether they are eligible for this critical relief and what they can expect. 

On March 13, Governor Brown signed AB 110, which includes an immediate solution to funding relatives and non-related extended family members who accept placement of a child prior to being approved as a resource family. The bill provides short-term funding through June 30th, 2018, the end of the current fiscal year. The Alliance for Children’s Rights, one of several child welfare organizations that supported this bill, thanks Governor Brown and appreciates the thoughtful discussion and countless hours expended by the Governor’s staff, the California Legislature, officials with the offices of Health and Human Services, Department of Social Services (DSS), Department of Finance, the County Welfare Directors Association of California, and other stakeholders to develop this immediate solution to a crisis situation facing our families.

DSS will issue an All County Letter (ACL) to advise counties on implementation of the funding enacted by AB 110, and funding will be made available to families from the date of the publication of the ACL. Families accepting emergency placement after the ACL is posted will receive funding at the time of the placement. Funding for all families under AB 110 continues through June 30, 2018. The Legislature is considering measures to continue the funding in the next fiscal year. We will share updates regarding implementation of the short-term fix and developments on a long-term solution in the coming weeks. Sign up for our policy list here to receive the latest updates.

A long term solution (for fiscal year 2018-2019 and beyond) to ensure funding at the time of placement and prior to resource family approval will be the subject of concurrent Assembly and Senate Budget Subcommittees on Health and Human Services hearings on April 11 and April 12. The subcommittees will conduct hearings on several budget issues impacting child welfare services and foster care. Much of the discussion at the hearings will center around the Continuum of Care reforms, including this discussion on continuing funding at the time of placement beyond June 30, 2018.

These hearings are an opportunity for caregivers who have either gone through or are currently going through the RFA process to participate in the legislative process and have your voices heard on the importance of timely funding. A large turnout of caregivers to these hearings will send an extremely powerful message to the legislature that timely funding is a significant issue facing caregivers and that action and solution is needed.

Please fill out this form if you are interested in attending or contact Shanti Ezrine at for more information.

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