The Alliance for Children’s Rights protects the rights of impoverished, abused and neglected children and youth.


Kids Align with Alliance Mission

For months, students at Sacred Heart Elementary were in pursuit of pennies: they asked neighbors, family and searched through couch cushions in the name of giving back through Penny Harvest. USC administrators and students brought the Penny Harvest program to Los Angeles from New York City where it has raised over $1 million. While collecting money, elementary students work alongside USC students to research community organizations that work with needy populations in Los Angeles. Students took a handful of deserving organizations to the student body to discuss the cause the students cared most about. After a presentation from Alliance staff, students selected us as winners along with White Memorial Medical Center. We are thrilled to be recognized by young people who want to improve the lives of other children in their community! “People in the community should help other people because it makes a big difference,” said Isabella, 10.

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