Valerie Breen

Senior Attorney, Benefits Program

Valerie Breen is the Senior Benefits Attorney at the Alliance with 30 years of experience working at non-profit organizations and in education, advocating for individuals, families and communities impacted by poverty, homelessness, mental health, addiction, and the various forms of discrimination.

Specializing in Benefits Rights at the Alliance, Valerie advocates for youth and caregivers in the foster care system to secure the funding support they are legally entitled to, and supports strategic policy changes at the State level to protect Constitutional rights through the elimination of systemic bias in a system that was created to help children in need, not deny their rights.

Before joining the Alliance, Valerie worked as a Mediator at the National Conflict Resolution Center, resolving the majority of her cases addressing legal issues presented by community members and court cases including guardianship, eviction, and restraining orders. She was also an Administrative Law Judge for the county of San Diego and has experience in criminal law. Additionally she worked in public radio, television and media where among other responsibilities she implemented a community wide reading program focused on issues important to the community, and received an Emmy for a Public Service Announcement she produced to promote reading.

Valerie has a degree in Film from San Diego State University and earned her JD from the University of San Diego, School of Law.

Valerie lives in San Diego with her family including two dogs.